A kingdom man places himself under God's rulership and submits his life to the lordship of Jesus Christ - Tony Evans
In 2018 a few men started meeting and praying that God would move through the men of our church. Praying to see men with the desire for discipleship and servanthood. Praying for men with the desire for something more.
During this time, through a connection with The Summit Church in Little Rock, we started hearing testimony of how God was dramatically changing lives of men, families and churches in Arkansas. Through a small men’s retreat called For King & Kingdom came story after story of how men were set free from bondage and shame that had kept them from truly becoming the man that God had set aside for His Kingdom. So after almost 2 years of prayer we sent a group in May 2021 to a 4KK retreat sponsored by Men of the Ouachitas / Summit. Testimonies from these men of how the Holy Spirit moved and the freedom received gave an overwhelming conviction that this was the start of those original prayers being answered. The Father not only gave even more desire for the men of the church but also the men of the City and the men of Texoma region. This is where the understanding that God desired More and giving us the desire for MORR!
The Church needs more men with a heart and passion for their kingdom assignments. Men who participate in a For King and kingdom (4KK) men's retreat are set free and inspired to seek out their place of service and leadership, strengthening the church, home, and community.
This 8-man intensive weekend experience is designed to deepen a man's transformational journey through a fresh and provocative understanding of his own story while providing an opportunity to experience deep freedom and community in the process. It is designed to help each man discover the keys to living from his heart and to empower him to move into his kingdom destiny!
The Church needs these kinds of men now more than ever to deeply engage in the mission of the local church. We need men willing to focus less on building their own kingdoms, and instead, answer a call to join the mission of advancing the Kingdom of God in and through their churches.
Churches need men intent on living out their Kingdom destiny.
Duration: Four nights with the first night beginning Wednesday at 5:30 PM and departing Sunday morning
Participants: Only eight men attend the retreat as participants
Leadership: Although a small group, the retreat requires two trained facilitators/Leaders
Team: The retreat requires a servant team of 6 to 8 men in addition to the leaders. All servants are former participants.
FirstMen 4KK Retreat
January 29 - February 2, 2025
Konowa, Oklahoma
Cost - $350, To reserve your spot - $100 Deposit